How to get number in 'View Rule' screen URL created by Grafana

I created an alert list screen in a Spring Boot web application. When one of these alerts is selected, I want to display the Grafana View rule screen in a popup using an iframe. I was able to get the alert’s filename, state, and type through the Prometheus API to construct the URL, but I’m not sure how to obtain the number values that come after “etcd” or “general.rules” in the URL.

Below are example URLs, and I’m curious about the part highlighted in bold.**135468055**/view?returnTo=%2Falerting%2Flist%3FalertState%3Dfiring%26ruleType%3Dalerting**1647808553**/view?returnTo=%2Falerting%2Flist%3FalertState%3Dfiring%26ruleType%3Dalerting

At first, I thought these values were timestamps, but they are not. I cannot deduce these number values from any values provided by the API. Please help!

<p.s: view rule screen>

Same issue here. I’d like to include the URL to the alert view in a pagerduty message - but what I am calling “alert id” changes every time a rule is modified. A “rule_id” label is what I am looking for