How to get just total number of

Hi, here my sample log. i have many with different “RecordType”

                "CallDuration": "-0.01",
                "Day": "Fri",
                "EgressCallDestIp": "",
                "EgressCalledUserName": "3000",
                "EgressCallingUserName": "2000",
                "EgressSIPTrmReason": "GWAPP_NORMAL_CALL_CLEAR",
                "EgressSipInterfaceName": "CANCEL",
                "EgressTrmReason": "GWAPP_NORMAL_CALL_CLEAR",
                "IngressCallSourceIp": "",
                "IngressCallingUserName": "2000",
                "IngressDialedUserName": "3000",
                "IngressSipInterfaceName": "CANCEL",
                "Internal_Seq": "181",
                "Month": "Aug",
                "Monthday": "30",
                "NodeTimeZone": "UTC",
                "ProductName": "Mediant SW",
                "RecordType": "ATTEMPT",
                "RouteAttemptNum": "Telecom",
                "SDR_Seq_Num": "18",
                "SeqNum": "17",
                "SetupTime": "09:02:55.583",
                "ShelfInfo": "187",
                "SipSessionId": "81a539:187:19",
                "TimeToConnect": "0",
                "TimeZone": "UTC",
                "Year": "2024",
                "host": "",
                "origin": "MYORIGIN",
                "tags": "CDR",
                "type": "undefined",
                "udp_port": "514"

Trying to get total number through all records that has RecordType = ATTEMPT.

For now i tried following LogQL

sum(count_over_time({origin=“AUDIOCODES”, RecordType=“ATTEMPT”}[$__range]))

but grafana give me this graph than does not shown total number.
What is wrong in query?

Maybe try changing your graph to something else like stats panel or time series panel and see?

Your query looks fine, try just running the query in explorer and see what values you get.

Hi, found solution with following query

sum by (RecordType)(count_over_time({origin=“AUDIOCODES”, RecordType=“ATTEMPT”}[$__range]))
