How can i show a data trafffic in a day?

hi, i try to use this dashboard, just let me see the stats of my fritz router, all seems work well, router can update the data into influxdb, but i can not view some table view because there is some problem with the queries, like these:

  • query #1

SELECT cumulative_sum(non_negative_difference(last("value"))) FROM "fritzbox_value" WHERE ("type_instance" = 'totalbytessent') AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval)
error parsing query: expected field argument in cumulative_sum()

  • query #2

SELECT non_negative_difference(last(cumulative_sum)) FROM ( SELECT cumulative_sum(non_negative_difference(last("value"))) FROM "fritzbox_value" WHERE ("type_instance" = 'totalbytesreceived') AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval) ) WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY time(1d) tz('Europe/Berlin')
error parsing query: found (, expected identifier at line 1, char 59
how can i fix these? thx

grafana v: v5.0.4 (commit: 7dc36ae)
influxdb v: Admin UI: v1.0.2 Server: v1.0.2
frtizos v: 06.83


SELECT DERIVATE("value", 1d) FROM ...

this is more simple query, when I tried to run the query with derivate function in influxdb I realized that the problem was that I using an older version of influxdb 0.10, after installing the 1.6.1 version from the repositories all worked well, thanks for the support.