How can I display HTTP average response time, when the rate() function results in NaN

Hi there,

I have a query, which calculates the average HTTP response time for a given URI:

avg(rate(http_server_requests_seconds_sum{status=~“2…|3…”, namespace="$namespace", method=“GET”, pod_name=~"$pod_name", uri="/doitt"}[$interval])/rate(http_server_requests_seconds_count{status=~“2…|3…”, namespace="$namespace", method=“GET”, pod_name=~"$pod_name", uri="/doit"}[$interval]))

However, when breaking this query down within the Thanos web interface, I notice that the rate() function produces a really small number, close to 0. As a result we get the calculation avg(0/0) and 0/0, of course, is undefined in Mathematics. This is the reason why I see NaN as the outcome of this calculation.

How can I prevent the rate()/rate() calculation from rounding the number down to 0?

Have you read this:

Hi @daniellee - thank you. I will have a read :slight_smile:

I’ve changed my query (above) to:

sum by (pod_name)(rate(http_server_requests_seconds_sum{status=~“2…”, namespace=“$namespace”, method=“GET”, pod_name=~“$pod_name”, uri=“/doitt”}[$interval]))/ sum by (pod_name) (rate(http_server_requests_seconds_count{status=~“2…”, namespace=“$namespace”, method=“GET”, pod_name=~“$pod_name”, uri=“/doitt”}[$interval]))

However, the graph doesn’t seem to look right :confused:

Could anyone help?

Can you please tell me how are you able to fetch the http_server_requests_seconds_sum metrics of your server. I needed to know which exporter to use to fetch the values

If your use case is fetching the response time of any URL, you can use Blackbox Exporter.
To Monitor the overall response time of the URL, Please try “probe_duration_seconds”.

This will measure the total time taken to complete the probe, including DNS resolution, connection establishment, HTTP request, and response.