Grafana v5.0 image for Windows or windows/amd64 Docker Engine

Hi All,

I was reading the documentation regarding provisioning of datasources and dashboards, the page reads that only v5.0 is capable of doing provisioning, I’m currently running on v4.6.3.

I see there are nightly builds of v5.0 avialble for Linux distributions but there is nothing listed for Windows.
I also checked the Docker Hub and it seems the latest release there is v4.6.3.

Is there any place where I can find the v5.x official or pre-release preferably for windows? Also, so you have an ETA for the v5.0 to be official?

Thanks a lot!


The tag master at docker hub are the v5.0 and the latest commit in the master branch, i.e. development.

I think you’ll have to build from source I think.

Please refer to this issue.


Thanks for the information Marcus,

It seems that the master docker image is only compatible with linux engine, I tried to get it while using the windows/amd64 engine and I got the following error:

"The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. (0x1f)"

In the thread you sent, it is mentioned that the Beta version is going to be available soon, do you know if the team is gonna build beta version for windows or windows docker engine?

Thanks gain!

Yes, there will be a Windows version for the beta in two weeks time.

There is no specific support for the Windows docker engine yet. Any tips on building docker containers that will work on Windows too?