Grafana-image-renderer fails with login activated


I’ve just installed Grafana 7.0.3 and can’t get the grafana-image-renderer plugin to work. I installed it as a plugin and got all the dependencies (OS: Debian Buster). My Grafana has an SSL certificate signed with an internal CA and LDAP authentication. Grafana runs on Port 443.

I’ve tried the following configs:

  1. Not setting anything regarding the plugin (default values): Grafana tries to call https://localhost:443/render, which fails with net::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID - which is correct. The certificate is for CN=mygrafanahost.local.lan.

  2. Setting:

    server_url = https://mygrafanahost.local.lan/render
    callback_url = https://mygrafanahost.local.lan/

doesn’t give an error in the log, but image rendering still fails, because https://mygrafanahost.local.lan/render/d-solo/000000476/mydashboard?orgId=2&... wants to redirect me to /login.

Any idea how to get image rendering to work with SSL, LDAP Auth and the plugin installed locally?

I have managed to get it working by using:

rendering_ignore_https_errors = true

which of course ignores the SSL certificate, so it’s not as secure. But it’s running on localhost, so it should be no problem.

Though a question still remains: how would I need to configure Grafana and the Image Renderer plugin if I used remote rendering with SSL and active authentication in Grafana?