Grafana doesn't load custom.ini -- Skipped ... custom.ini: CHMOD

I get this error in my bra output after saving a change to my custom.ini file:

[Bra] 04-03 16:35:27 [ INFO] "$WORKDIR/conf/custom.ini": RENAME
[Bra] 04-03 16:35:27 [DEBUG] Running: go [build -o ./bin/grafana-server ./pkg/cmd/grafana-server]
[Bra] 04-03 16:35:41 [DEBUG] Skipped "$WORKDIR/conf/custom.ini": CHMOD

My permissions look fine though?

-rw-r--r--   1 781352142  841561041   3387 Apr  3 16:35 custom.ini
-rw-r--r--   1 781352142  841561041  14133 Apr  3 14:49 defaults.ini

I’m not entirely sure what $WORKDIR is, but it echos as empty.


$WORKDIR should be the directory from where you run bra run. What commit are you running from, latest master?
