"error reading ring to verify rule group ownership: at least 1 healthy replica required, could only find 0"

Hello, Bro
I caught an error “error reading ring to verify rule group ownership: at least 1 healthy replica required, could only find 0” from loki ruler pod.

I already spend much time on it, now I really have no idea about this error. who could explain the error’s mean to me? I need some trains of thought what maybe helm me fix my error.

my configure about loki-ruler as below, if need other configure, just tell me.

thanks again, thanks very much

    type: azure
      request_timeout: 0
      environment: AzureChinaCloud
      store: memberlist
  rule_path: /tmp/loki/scratch
  alertmanager_url: <omit>
  enable_alertmanager_v2: true
  enable_api: true
  enable_sharding: true

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