Error in Finance plugin installation

Here is the error that I found:
You have submitted an incorrect Quandl code. Please check your Quandl codes and try again.
Here is the snapshot:

I am not able to demostrate the grafana with the Finance Plugin. please help.

Have you entered in a valid Quandl API key?


Ok so should I give the Name as ‘Finance’ only. Can’t I give another?
And yes I have entered the right api key from quandl

The name does not matter. Can be anything.

Two things to check:

  • If you click the Save and Test button when editing a data source, does it return an error?
  • What does your query look like? You don’t show it.

Here is a sample dashboard for the Finance ds:

Well, here is the output of my json. I do not understand whether the issue is due to the json format or something.
Here is the output:

I hope this will help.
I do not get any error on clicking save and test.
Hope to hear from you soon.

I have even tried the json format that is available on the github repository
{"range": {"to": "2016-10-31T12:33:44.866Z", "from": "2016-10-31T06:33:44.866Z", "raw": {"to": "now", "from": "now-6h"}}, "rangeRaw": {"to": "now", "from": "now-6h"}, "intervalMs": 30000, "panelId": 1, "format": "json", "interval": "30s", "targets": [{"type": "timeserie", "target": "upper_50", "refId": "A"}, {"type": "timeserie", "target": "upper_75", "refId": "B"}], "maxDataPoints": 550}
Still not working

Not sure I follow what you are trying to do here. Can you show a screenshot of the metrics tab?

Here is an example of a query for a Graph panel:

Hi Daniel,

I was reading your previous thread as I was having issues running queries for the finance plugin. It always defaults to LBMA/GOLD and I can’t get any other Finance data. My Quandl API is working properly.

See screenshots.

I am having exactly the same issue as @ravdeeprana

I can only add LBMA/GOLD entries.