Encription data

Hello Everyone,

I’m new user on grafana. I would like know if is possible encryption data from client with win_explorer installed, send all traffic flow encrypted to server grafana? I asking this because security team in my company advice us that is a vulnerability security.


Because windows_exporter is pulled by prometheus scrape, you can put the windows_explorer as localhost bind and put IIS with SSL to access them. Make the windows_exporter as upstream of the IIS Server or other webserver act as reverse proxy, and make it to every windows server that you want to measure… :slight_smile:

Fadjar Tandabawana

Hi fadjar340

I appreciate your answer. Today i was looking for documentation about it and I found this information:

If i understand correct, this configuration will works too, right?!


As far as I know, the node_exporter have this feature but windows_exporter.
To make windows_exporter secure, as my comment above, you need to bind the windows exporter published IP to (localhost) then you need to install IIS and config the IIS to handle reverse proxy to localhost windows exporter port, then you can access the windows exporter through IIS SSL port.

Fadjar Tandabawana

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Hi Fadjr,

I Got it thanks.