Embed Postgres Datasource Dashboard

I have Grafana v11.4.0 installed using a helm chart on a kubernetes cluster.
And I have a dashboard using postgress datasource that I want to embed on a web page (The web page is hosted on a server outside the grafana k8s cluster)

The problem is, when I try to embed the dashboard, I receive this error message

Unknown Content-Type “text/html; charset=utf-8”, loading https://***/public/plugins/grafana-postgresql-datasource/module.js?_cache=1736880278656 (SystemJS Error#4 systemjs/docs/errors.md at main · systemjs/systemjs · GitHub)

When I use a dashboard that uses Prometheus from example, I don’t receive that error.
I’m not sure what might be caused the issue, any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.