Don't display decimal number in X axis

Hi all,

I’m trying to use “Trend” to display data point on monthly basis, so I override the X axis with min=1, max=12, but it looks like Grafana will automatically add the middle value like “1.5, 2.5, etc.” to X axis.

If I override X axis decimal to 0, there will have duplicate X axis numbers

Question is, how to let Grafana doesn’t display duplicate numbers, but just go with month number?

you have an alias of month and a function of MONTH.
For test purposes what if you alias it as mnt. and your group by to MONTH(date)

order by 1

Hi @yosiasz
I have changed the query

Main question still the same, how to let Grafana doesn’t generate those duplicate numbers in X axis

the issue seems with your data not with grafana

what does the data look like when you don’t do aggregation

select date, available_percentage
from $cluster
where YEAR(date) = $year

and click on table View and share screen capture
