Disable showing other active user activity

Hi, I am trying to remove the “recent users” view on top beside the dashboard name. There seems to be no resource on this at all. Is there a workaround or feature on this in the settings?


I guess that’s a part of live functionality, so:

# max_connections to Grafana Live WebSocket endpoint per Grafana server instance. See Grafana Live docs
# if you are planning to make it higher than default 100 since this can require some OS and infrastructure
# tuning. 0 disables Live, -1 means unlimited connections.
max_connections = 0

Hi, turns out it was not Grafana Live at all. I spent almost a week reading on grafana live, only for it to be an Enterprise feature.

User Presence Indicators

If you have an enteprise version, then you have also an support for that. I would ask your support.