Dashboard - Zabbix - Grafana - Windows Agent

Good evening. I have installed Grafana on a Zabbix. When I import a dashboard from Windows, I don’t get any data. On the zabbix side everything is working correctly.

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you for your help.

Good evening. I have installed Grafana on a Zabbix.

I assume you mean “I have installed Grafana on a machine which is also running
Zabbix”, but what operating system is this machine running, and how did you
install Grafana?

When I import a dashboard from Windows,

I do not understand what that means. Please give details.

I don’t get any data.

Do you get any error messages or other indication of what Grafana is trying to
do and failing with?

On the zabbix side everything is working correctly.

What does this mean? What are you testing, and how does it relate to what you
expect from Grafana?

What am I doing wrong?

Give us some details and we might have some ideas.

Ideally, explain to us how to reproduce whatever you have already done, and
that should give us enough information to spot the bit that’s missing, or
perhaps incorrect.

Thank you for your help.

What documentation did you follow to get as far as you have so far?


This should help you out @rbaagua. :slight_smile: