Dashboard - column chart with xAxis as distinct label

  • I am using the latest version of grafana connecting to a loki datasource for my logs.

  • The logs looks like this
    |2022-10-05T16:43:29-07:00|Info|Admin@temenos.com, who signed in with Forms, signed out.|source=applicationlogger|
    |2022-10-05T16:28:28-07:00|Info|Executing report: ‘Balance Sheet by Branch’|source=applicationlogger|
    |2022-10-05T15:12:18-07:00|Info|Executing report: ‘Balance Sheet by Branch’|source=applicationlogger|
    |2022-10-05T13:01:25-07:00|Info|Executing report: ‘Balance Sheet by Branch’|source=applicationlogger|
    |2022-10-05T16:27:20-07:00|Info|Executing report: ‘Balance Sheet Detailed’|source=applicationlogger|
    |2022-10-05T16:26:35-07:00|Info|admin@temenos.com::Logged in.|source=applicationlogger|
    |2022-10-05T15:27:35-07:00|Info|Admin@temenos.com, who signed in with Forms, signed out.|source=applicationlogger|
    |2022-10-05T15:12:33-07:00|Info|Executing report: ‘Balance Sheet Detailed’|source=applicationlogger|

I would like to create column chart for the my log counts the number of times of distinct report in the logs. Basically, I want to see YAxis as the number of times, and XAxis as the distinct name of the report. However, I could not make this column chart using the dashboard UI and query builder. Please help with an example.