Create dashboard and get metrics

Hi everyone
I test performance of local quorum network using quorum profiling as follow : mohamed@mohamed-VirtualBox:~/quorum-profiling-master/scripts$ ./ --testProfile “custom/deploy-contract-private” --consensus “raft” --endpoint http://host.docker.internal:22000" --basedir /home/mohamed/quorum-profiling-master homeDir=/home/mohamed/quorum-profiling-master consensus=raft endpoint=http://host.docker.internal:22000 testProfile=custom/deploy-contract-private
starting grafana, influxdb, prometheus…
Creating influxdb … done
Creating grafana … done
Creating telegraf … done
started grafana, influxdb and prometheus
start jmeter profile custom/deploy-contract-private…
jmeter test profile custom/deploy-contract-private started
start tps monitor…
tps monitor started
Now I cannot access to dashboard or get metrics … any one can help me ?