AzureAD OAuth: could not fetch user groups" code=302 body=

We are trying to configure Grafana using EntraID sso with the org_mapping feature, and we are trying to do it on Azure gov cloud.
This is the configuration we are using:

    force_use_graph_api = true
    skip_org_role_sync = true
    allow_sign_up = true

    auth_url =<tenantid>/oauth2/v2.0/authorize

    auto_login = true

    enabled = true

    name = CP Azure AD

    scopes = openid email profile

    token_url =<tenantid>/oauth2/v2.0/token

    allowed_groups = [ "<group-id1>", "<group-id2>", "<group-id3>"]
    org_mapping = ["<group-id1>:<org2>:Admin", "<group-id2>:<org3>:Admin", "<group-id3>:<org3>:Admin"]
    scopes = openid email profile Group.Read.All
    api_url =

i’ve configured the groups in the entraid application, added the groupMembershipClaims": “SecurityGroup, ApplicationGroup” to the manifest.
but every time i try to connect with a user we get the error:
AzureAD OAuth: could not fetch user groups" code=302 body=
and the user goes to the main organization as a Viewer.

I think the issue is that the grphql query goes to the wrong url instead of .us where it needs to go for the gov cloud.

Was anyone able to configure this on the gov cloud?

Use debug logging and steps - don’t try to configure everything in one go, e.g. make sure that it works without groups, when that is OK add more complexity - e.g. that group

api_url = also doesn’t make sense to me - what it should return?

You have multiple scopes - why?

Thanks for the replay,
the authentication works that is not the issue. I’m able to connect with the users and if I use the normal user permissions in Azure i.e. configuring the user with Admin or editor and such it all works fine. the only problem is when i try to use the groups.
I tried to configure api_url = so that when the it tries to query the groups it will got to the gov cloud and not the commercial cloud

Why Why not some endpoints there ? I’m no saying that /v1.0/me is what you need, this is just example -

I guess is redirecting with 302 response code somewhere. As I said use debug logging.

To enable debug logging edit the configuration file grafana.ini:

# Either "console", "file", "syslog". Default is console and file
# Use space to separate multiple modes, e.g. "console file"
mode = console file

# Either "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "critical", default is "info"
level = debug

Then restart grafana for the setting to go into effect.

looks like it is indeed going to the wrong place
logger=oauth.azuread t=2024-09-04T16:31:15.254607668Z level=debug msg=“handcrafted endpoint to fetch the user data:”
logger=oauth.azuread t=2024-09-04T16:31:15.480775037Z level=warn msg=“AzureAD OAuth: could not fetch user groups” code=302 body=
logger=oauth.azuread t=2024-09-04T16:31:15.480837119Z level=debug msg=“AzureAD OAuth: extracted groups” email= groups=

Read and understand source code:

ok, so according to the code the endpoint is taken from the group claims, which as i already added.

396. if claims.ClaimNames.Groups != "" {
397. endpoint = claims.ClaimSources[claims.ClaimNames.Groups].Endpoint
398. s.log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("endpoint to fetch groups specified in the claims: %s", endpoint))
399. }

oauth2AllowUrlPathMatching: false,
createdDateTime: 2024-07-29T15:04:33Z,|
description: null,|
certification: null,|
disabledByMicrosoftStatus: null,|
groupMembershipClaims: SecurityGroup, ApplicationGroup,

but as you can see from the logs it does not pull the group claims and goes straight to the handcrafted url.


// groupsGraphAPIURL retrieves the Microsoft Graph API URL to fetch user groups from the _claim_sources if present

Please format your code, log snippets properly for readibility.