Added a metric and an alert with that metric. After clicking away from the screen. The metric is gone

Added a metric to the mountpoint dashboard and an alert with that metric. After clicking away and back to this dashboard. The metric and the alert is gone. I setup 2 alerts, both went away from the dashboard. But if I click from the side menu, “Alerting” -> “Alert Rules”, 1 of the 2 alerts appears. But now, I cannot remove it.

Environment: running docker in Ubuntu
Grafana is installed/configure in percona pmm. Here is their docker image: percona/pmm-server:latest

Test: use admin & an editor account, use both account to save as a new dashboard.
Result: new metric shows up, however, when click away to another host and then back, the new metric does not show up anymore.

Template variables is not supported when using the alerting feature, see issue.
