95th% aggregation for in/out data from influxdb

We have all of the raw data from our check_mk monitoring system going into influxdb. We are ready to start creating some dashboards and the first thing the engineers want is 95th% for the interesting interfaces.

I started with

SELECT mean("value") FROM "in" WHERE "host" = 'BOS1-MCSC-A' AND "resource" = 'Interface_ae9' AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($interval) fill(null)
SELECT mean("value") FROM "out" WHERE "host" = 'BOS1-MCSC-A' AND "resource" = 'Interface_ae9' AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($interval) fill(null)

This gives me a nice table of values when I select “Time series to columns”, and 'Time series aggregations" gives me a value for out.mean and a value for in.mean.

What I’m not finding is a way to have it give me the 95th% values for a selected time range. Is there a function I can add that will sort the dataset and throw out the top and bottom values? Am I approaching this the wrong way? Missing something obvious? Pointers, assistance or solutions are most welcome!

Thank you.

the influxdb docs have a list of functions you can use: